Tag Archives: reflect

Quick Reflection

In 26 days we will have been married for 8 years. This means in less that 4 weeks we will have been trying to conceive one way or another for 8 full years. It has been more than 10 full months since we decided to go the most aggressive route we could. It has been a few days short of 5 weeks since implantation of our four embryos. And 22 days since we found out that they did not take… A long line of BFNs.

On Saturday we go for our first foster licensure class which will extend past our anniversary to the middle of November. We have gotten all of that pesky paperwork we can do without anyone else done (still have a doctors visit and a nitery sheet to fill out). With all of these facts, it has never seemed more real that we are so close to having the chance to share our love with another little one. It is kinda like we have made the boarder of the puzzle complete and now it is time to find out what the inside of the puzzle will look like.

Thanks for reading. We hope to post something about how the class goes latter this weekend.