Category Archives: Christmas

Making Traditions

This holiday season has been another good one.  Cheryl says, “I love watching the kiddos discover the Christmas season.”  The kiddos get excited seeing so many things.  Every time they see the out door lights we have a barrage of “wows” and “look, look”.  They get excited with every Christmas tree they see.  B-Rad loves to declare “ho-ho-ho”.  

Christmas Eve we hopped in the car and went looking at the lights on the neighborhood homes.  Christmas morning we woke up and had breakfast.  The kiddos opened their stockings at their high chairs.  After, the kiddos opened many of their gifts.  In the afternoon time family came by for short greetings and then more for dinner.  In all, it was a good day.

Some things we did we plan to make into a tradition.  Giving the kiddos memories and making traditions has been good.
Thanks for reading.  To come in the new year we hope to have more updates of the permanent persuasion.

Twas the Morning Before Christmas….

and all through our house sits anticipation for the coming days and thank goodness not a mouse.  A bottle made for little lady and plans to cook many many holiday cookies have been laid.  Still so much to do and so many people to see, but in the end we may relax and perhaps happy we will be.  Honey baked ham and Costco we may try to traverse, one thing we cannot deny is Christmas day we cannot reverse.   Christmas Eve celebration with caroling  and presents tonight will kick off the barge of merriment alright.  Tomorrow is set for family breakfast, more presents, the park and whatever we decided to do… it is Christmas at last.  Then onto Christmas night when California family travels in by a van’s headlight.  We will repeat and celebrate with family on the 26 to make our merriment complete.   27th, 28th, and 29th we will hit the town to find bright and merry ways to celebrate and we will try to not to weary.  So to all of our Baby Puzzle readers and family and friends we want to take a moment to sends out a message of family and cheer as our great celebrations are all so near so we say from Cheryl and I and the Littles and dogs, have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New!

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