Tag Archives: conversation

Six Work For You?

Oh goodness, it is almost 6 am… why so late I am going to be la… no not today.  Today there is no work.  I remember now.  Court.  No cries from the baby monitor and Cheryl still lays sleeping.  Before heading into the bathroom I wake her up and tell her it is six.  Time to get up and face the day.

After a few minutes of tending to myself I look again, no fussy sounds from the monitor.  Cheryl is up and getting ready now as I start the normal routine, but today is not normal.  I make a bottle for our little guy.  Make sure the dining area is ready for our little lady and still the monitor has no peeps.

Well it is already late so I will get him up.  Into Amory’s room I go to the sight of a sleeping baby.  I turn on the corner light and get his outfit for the day.  Still, a sleeping baby.  He can sleep for a few more minutes.  Walk back into the front room and Cheryl is on my “kitchen prepping” heels.  She has everything set.

“Should I get him up”, I ask as Cheryl walks past me an into Arianna’s room.  She is on her way to get Arianna dressed and ready for the day.  “Yes” is the answer spoken without words

Back in Little Man’s room to a sleeping baby.  Rub his back gently and wake him up.  His eyes are heavy and groggy, but open.  Laid down on the changing table with a stuffed Nemo.  Diaper changed.  Turquoise bottoms and matching monster truck top.  Socks and then his J’s are next.  Up and out to the front room for a smaller than usual bottle.

Little Man grabs his bottle and shoves it in.  Not enough time.  He drinks like there is no tomorrow.  About two-thirds of the way through, the bottle is pulled out with one arm, proudly.  Drip, drip, drip he smiles up at me while spilling the remaining milk.  Time to go.

Strapped into the car seat.  Ups a daisy, ups a little baby.  Yes one arm and the next.  Then buckled a crossed and through the legs.  All tight and ready to go to daycare.  Ah… our day friends – Zoe and Becca and Susan.

We drive to daycare and off the two little ones get dropped.  “Zoe, today might be their last day with you.” … “What, why?”  so much love and care from the regulars at daycare.   She has seen many more regulars come and go and even though she doesn’t say it, I almost feel like she understands it better than even Cheryl I understand it.  Oh little man crawls and plays and then starts to fuss.  I put out both of my hands and he uses them to stand up.  We walk (with me holding both hands) first one way across the room and then the other.  “Say bye bye” we ask him as we leave and Amory waves proudly with his perfect little hands.

We leave and before we know it, time to head to court.  Juvenile court in Phoenix is close to downtown (maybe four miles as the crow flies).  We make our way there and arrive more than a half hour early to a packed parking lot.  We get inside passed security and find out that the hearing will be on the second floor, third room so up we head.  We sit down right outside the court room with about fifteen minutes to spare and see the kiddo’s mom.  Cheryl had made a photo book for the kids and gave it to their mom at that time.

A little while later the case worker arrives and briefly talks to us and then to the children’s mom and then heads into the court room.  Close to a fifteen minutes after the scheduled start of the hearing we are called in.  Cheryl and I choose to sit in about the same area we had in previous hearings.  It is certainly interesting to see what Hollywood images of a court room is and then what we sat in.  Same basic ideas, but a much smaller space.  Guess I have seen My Cousin Vinny a few too many times.  The proceedings occur, lots of things were discussed and decisions made.

Outside of the court room we go.  “Six, will six work for you?”  I asked the kiddos mom.  “Sure,” he hesitated.  How are we going to get all of their things packed?  How are we going to get them home in time to spend some time?  How are we going to communicate with the people we need to communicate with?  Who needs to be called and in what order?  My mind raced with all of these questions as we made our way out to an almost empty parking lot.  We had just six hours.

Cheryl’s mom was the first person we called.  “They are going home.”  Then the daycare, “we will pick them up right after nap time”.  Then Cheryl’s dad and sister and brother and case aid.  Oh goodness so many people who need to know what’s up.  We finally got home with the phone tree called and start packing.  What do they need?  What should we pack?  Into one suite case we put a weeks’ worth of diapers for Amory along with two weeks or tops, bottoms, coats, shoes and a few other things,  all of which I think of as Amory’s things.   Into a second suite case goes the same type of things for Arianna.  And into a third suite case a whole bunch of their very favorite toys.  I remember reading another blog or posting somewhere about how when children were transferred their things were transferred in trash bags.  A few weeks before we had been told to expect a transfer and had made the decision to transfer giving our own luggage.  We packed a box of things for the daycare as well.  As we are finishing packing Becky pulls in.

Off to daycare we go.  We drop off a few items that we want the daycare to have and up we pick Amory.  Zoe and Becca both get a good chance to say a goodbye.  “Cheryl, you bring us more when you are ready,” Zoe suggests.  Then we went into the two year olds room we go to pick up Arianna.  She proudly hollers “bye” loud enough for all of the daycare to hear.

Back home we drive.  We played the many different ways we have loved to play the past 282 days together.  Becky got to say good bye.  Coco and Marley and Curley got to say goodbye.  Jerry and Martha got to say goodbye.  About three hours of memories.  We took them to their mom and too we said goodbye.

Our puzzle and journey does not end here although we do not know what will be next.  Cheryl and I know we are forever changed because of these two little ones.  Six hours was not used to exit them from our lives; they will always live within us.


It is interesting how things seem to work out some times. We have no idea why they are happening the way the are happening at the time. It takes a lot of conviction to have faith that things will work out how they are meant to work out especially when they do not not seem to work the way we wish they would.

We are 45 days away from our 8th wedding anniversary which means we have actively been trying to expand our family of two to three or more for almost 8 years now. Lots of things have happened in the the mean time and we have shared some of those things on this blog. At this point I cannot say that our appreciation for a we’d life would be the same without going through what we have. All I know for certain is how we feel about it today.

Yesterday afternoon nick had a conversation with his dad. His dad told Nick that there was a close friend whose niece just had a child. That niece and her partner are unable to take care of the baby. Additionally the family members on both sides are involved in things or too old to take full time care of this baby. He said that his friend was seeking others, like friends of the family to try to adopt the child.

It really felt like a story book idea, but after talking with the friend we realize there are some hurdles that may still be in our way. It has been a few weeks since the friend has been in contact with the niece so it is still very possible that the child has found a forever home. Also it sounds like there might be some issues with the state (they live in Utah) concerning the process.

We are optimistic that this baby may be in some way our future, but understand that there are a lot of things that we are going to have to overcome. Our next step is to wait for Monday when the mother of the niece goes to talk with the case manager. We hope to have a better understanding of where the future for this baby lies. We will keep you all posted

Returning back to the start of the post and talking about the experiences hat we have had bring us to where we are. If all of the numbers stack up just right the boy was born almost on the first day of our IVF cycle. If we had known from the beginning we would have been much further along on the process. However at that time we were not in Alsace to consider adoption. We really had to have the emotional experience of the IVF cycle to feel this calling to adoption/fostering. And either way we know that even if this baby does not solve our puzzle this will not be the end.